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⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
charleyfarley 10:19 Tue Jan 7

FA Cup 4th Round
London Stadium
Sat Jan 25th
KICK OFF 15:00

Stuart Atwell: (12) 54 2

Randolph, Zabaleta, Cresswell, Balbuena, Diop, Sanchez, Rice, Fornals, Lanzini, Ajeti, Haller
SUBS:- Cardoso, Martin, Ngakia, Ogbonna, Noble, Kemp, Antonio

Hegazi, Townsend, Bond, O'Shea, Ajayi,Brunt, Barry, Phillips, Krovinovic, Edwards, Austin

• West Ham 5/6: Draw 13/5: WBA 16/5


http://sportstreamshd.com/watch.php?me ... id=563559

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Manuel 3:00 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Sold - He wouldn't have been starting in England games and been touted around for silly money had he been less than average all season.

Bishopsfinger 2:52 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Rice is a young player and hasn’t been in this situation before. He’s also playing in a team full of dross. This is a great learning curve for him being in a relegation battle and all the shit that comes with it. He’s having to try and create play also because not may others are doing it or capable. That’s leading to errors.

He will go on to be a very very good player in a team that has other good players and a club that that is run in a non market stall way. He is having to develop quicker because of the situation we are in.

Northern Sold 2:42 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Yeah sorry manuel son… should have said he’s been less than average all season and on Saturday he was fucking SHIT… that better??

Manuel 2:10 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Sold - You are the biggest point scorer on here, or at least you try to be. 'Average at best all season? Hahahaha.

JayeMPee 2:10 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Agree with those who said we should have given some youngsters a run out, and thought that before the game. Surely we must have better than Sanchez and Balbuena, if Reid has fully recovered he just has to be given a run ahead of these two who cannot even pass a ball!!!

Northern Sold 1:57 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Agree Kaka… Rice has been average at best for the whole season… he was well below average on Saturday….

BetterthanKaka 1:12 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
We weren't better in the second half no?

First half was as bad as it gets. Whether it was down to Noble or not, we were better second half.

Lee Trundle 1:01 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
I don't see why no portion of blame shouldn't be placed on him? He was part of the midfield 3 that were overrun by 2 blokes who should be retired at that age. If you're digging out the other 3 (Sanchez, Lanzini and Rice), then he has to be included in the criticism.

He did put in effort, but there was hardly an upturn in the teams performance when he came on.

BetterthanKaka 12:56 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
No blame can be placed on Noble surely, at least he got his foot on the ball and tried to make something happen.

Rice has been fucking pathetic recently. Watched him closely on Saturday, every time he gives the ball away or crosses out of play, he throws his arms in the air. Stop throwing a hissy fit or banging your chest and get on with the game ffs.

Lee Trundle 12:50 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
... and you can add Noble to that list as well, seeing as he replaced the walking dustbin and had a good 25 mins of playing against the 10 men.

Lee Trundle 12:48 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
I'm still at a loss at how 2 championship level midfielders with a combined age of 73 playing for a team with a man down, managed to run the middle of the park.

Sanchez, Lanzini and Rice need to take a long good look at themselves.

Dan M 12:44 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
And yes, replacing the Colombian bin fire with an actual footballer, regardless of age, would not have attracted any criticism. Although there would have needed to be an asterisk by the players name indicating "in place of Carlos Sanchez."

Dan M 12:43 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
BetterthanKaka 12:22 Mon Jan 27

I'd love to see young Academy-raised players giving it their all in a cup game (or any game for that matter). We all would. But you have to agree that before the game (and after had we still not won) the word "throwing" would be banded back and forth.

On a separate note, how often have our young players stepped up when given the chance in a lop-sided cobbled-together cup team? Grady against Macclesfield? Can't think of many others. They tend to get dragged down by the peripheral senior players getting a run-out.

Lee Trundle 12:25 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
I doubt anyone would have complained and accused Moyes of not taking the cup seriously and deliberately throwing the game had he chosen a youngster to play instead of the walking dustbin with an afro.

Northern Sold 12:24 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread

Dan M 11:49 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
I'd say Sanchez is one of the main culprits of "having a holiday at West Ham" that Joe Cole was talking about. According to social media he's having the time of his life. See also Fornals, Balbuena, Lanzini and Anderson. Pretty much after every defeat they'll be on social media large-ing it up, generally having a lovely time.

You imagine if we was still at UP they would be getting pelters from the Run and co... that would getting them shifting their arses... at the new place you can get away with not putting a shift in... WANKERS

BetterthanKaka 12:22 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Dan M 11:35 Mon Jan 27

Disagree totally. Most people would give the young lads the benefit of the doubt and what we'd see from them would be effort and desire - two traits which were glaringly missing on Saturday.

Sanchez did the same vs Oxford in the cup. I see Holland played for them on Saturday, staggering we let him go, think he could have done a job for us. Our squad depth is absolutely awful.

Dan M 12:13 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Meanwhile David Martin and family celebrated his 34th birthday on the table next to ours at Epping Wildwood yesterday, in what must be the most low-key, bling-free footballer's event in Essex history.

Lato 12:02 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Judging by Sanchez's shorts on Saturday I would say he has been on the Benny MaCarthy diet

Dan M 11:49 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
I'd say Sanchez is one of the main culprits of "having a holiday at West Ham" that Joe Cole was talking about. According to social media he's having the time of his life. See also Fornals, Balbuena, Lanzini and Anderson. Pretty much after every defeat they'll be on social media large-ing it up, generally having a lovely time.

Now I'm not expecting sackcloth and ashes because their job isn't going well, but it almost seems deliberate to wave their wonderful happy life in the faces of the far-from-happy fans, with not a flicker of acknowledgment. More like they are on, yes, a holiday.

southbankbornnbred 11:36 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
Sanchez is stealing a living.

More than any player since Ali Dia.

Dan M 11:35 Mon Jan 27
Re: ⚽ West Ham v WBA - Official Match Thread
BetterthanKaka 10:46 Mon Jan 27

Had he played two or three youngsters (as was expected) he'd have been accused of not taking the cup seriously and deliberately throwing the game. Instead people in the pub beforehand were talking about fielding a strong team and going for it.

Of course we were all hoping that the senior players (plus Carlos "Fraud" Sanchez who is merely senior) wouldn't perform like abject cunts.

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